Quadro Corporation specializes in image presentation products, picture frames, components and accessories.
All our products are precision engineered and manufactured to high tolerances for professional results. Our picture framing products feature a modular design for fast, tool-free assembly and dis-assembly.
Our frames are used by everyone – our clean classic style appeals to the professional market and the DIY community alike. Customers range from consumers to galleries, museums, libraries and corporate accounts. Our vast selection of picture framing kits represents the ultimate in value and flexibility for end users. We also offer a complete range of framing services for commercial accounts including volume framing, custom packaging and logistics.
We are directly responsible for the manufacture of most products we sell. Picture frames are assembled in the United States and ship directly from our facility in Spencer Massachusetts.
E-commerce Experience, Direct Sales & Direct Contact.
We’ve been involved in e-commerce since 1995 and are firmly committed to our direct sales model. Direct sales allow us to offer the best possible value and customer experience. There’s always a real, knowledgeable person available by email or telephone to address any questions or concerns. We appreciate the support provided by our entire customer base and hope our combined and improved site meets with your approval.
Thank you from all of us at Quadro! We look forward to working with you!